Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How to Grow Your Hair Out Long

Do you have trouble growing your hair out? Did you cut it short and now you want your precious hair back? You're in luck! This article is going to share a few simple ideas with you that may give your hair an extra growth boost!


1.Commit to growing long hair. The biggest problem to growing your hair out is simply getting bored and having it cut into different styles. Understand that growing ultra-long hair from a short cut can take years, and may involve some "in between" phases that are not very exciting for you. If you enjoy changing your cut, you may want to reconsider long hair (try extensions for a temporary long style). If long hair is truly what you want, exercise patience!
If you wash your hair every day, stop doing so. Washing your hair every single day will strip it of its natural oils. Instead, wash every other day or every two days. Be sure your wash with both a shampoo and conditioner, and try to buy a shower cap other times so your hair does not get wet when you bathe and wash your skin. This way, all the oils will stay in your hair and around your scalp and not lost in the water. Give your hair some time to "get used to" this schedule of washing. If you find that it looks greasy, try dry shampoo on non-wash days.
Do oil treatments one-three times weekly. Oil treatments are simple. You can use anything from olive oil to expensive salon treatments. Here are some easy natural oil treatments: Olive oil: Use one-four tbs. of olive oil and put it in your damp or dry hair (preferably damp but not dripping wet). Leave in between 15-45 minutes then rinse out being sure to shampoo twice and condition once. Almond oil: Almond oil is the best natural hair oil remedy in most opinions. Put again one-four tbs. in your hair. Leave in for one day (the no wash day) and rinse out the next day. Repeat at least once weekly. Hot oil treatment (store bought)
Brush your hair finely. This means you will need two-four brushes. A wide toothed brush, and close bristled brush, a wide toothed comb, and a rat tailed comb (not wide). Start brushing your hair in order of appearance above. Be sure to brush everyday in order at least twice. Brush your underneath coat and top coat of hair. Brush starting at the bottom to remove all knotted (grab one piece of hair starting at the middle of your length in all and comb/brush downward.) After removing all knots, start at the roots and move your way down to the ends to carry oil to your roots to help improve damage rates and keep healthy hair. If you start at the roots and move your way down in the beginning you will cause more knots because you are pushing your hair down causing it to intertwine with strands and knot or damage.
Massage your scalp too daily one-three times. This will improve circulation around the follicles and increase blood flow that creates hair growth because the blood carries nutrients and vitamins.
Don’t trim too often. Many times you will need to cut your hair ends every 6-8 weeks to get rid of your split ends. At minimum, you should be cutting 1/2 and inch off your hair (your split ends) every 3-4 months. Because hair is made of dead tissue, the myth that trimming it will cause it to grow faster is not true. However, trimming is essential to quality long hair because it removes damage from your length and keeps it looking neat.

Help control split ends. As stated above, washing your hair too much takes the valuable oils out of your hair necessary for hair growth, but they also cause split ends. You usually wash pretty hard (not super hard but good enough), which is good, but too often can not be so great. Also, control the amount of products you let into your hair. Give you hair a day or two to rest (meaning don’t use any products) this will help your hair rejuvenate and keep it healthy.) The less products the better (excluding natural remedies. But even too many of these can be damaging!)
Tie your hair up. Tying your hair up in a pony tail, pigtails, braids, or any other type of elastic required style will pull on the scalp, slightly causing better oxygen flow from the outside and stimulating the follicles (which is good). Be careful when you style your hair and remove the elastic, as you want to minimize the number of hairs broken in the process. Never use an office-style rubber band in your hair; use only elastics specifically designed for the hair.

Love Deborah,

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