Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let's be more beautiful in 2014 !!

Considering we’re all giving ourselves resolutions for the new year, now’s the time to evaluate what’s going on in your life. As amazing as those resolutions about learning to cook and exercising more can be, it’s equally as important to figure out what you should be ditching for 2014. Do you eat too much sugar? Do you fall asleep with your makeup on every night?
There’s no time like the present to leave bad habits in the past, and we’re guessing that you could ditch at least one or two of the bed beauty habit below.
Biting your nails (and cuticles): Whatever you do, stop biting your fingers. Not only is it unsanitary — you’re putting bacteria from your hands into your mouth, then leaving your fingers more susceptible to infection — it’s also unsightly. Keep your nails short to avoid wanting to bite them and apply cuticle oil to your fingers once a day.
Not moisturizing: Whether it’s your face or your body, not moisturizing your skin (especially in the winter) can cause dry, flaky skin. Get into the routine of applying lotion within 10 minutes of getting out of the shower, when your skin is holding onto moisture, and you’ll notice smoother, softer skin in no time.
Being afraid of color: On your lips, your eyes or your nails, stop being afraid to add a drop of color into your look. To ease yourself into it, try a lip stain instead of lipstick, colored liner instead of eyeshadow, or one accent nail in a bold color instead of a whole manicure.
Over-plucking your eyebrows: We know it’s tempting, but put down the tweezers. 2013 was the year of the bold brows, but they won’t be going anywhere in 2014. Use an eyebrow pencil or gel while you grow in your brows naturally, and only pluck stray hairs where you absolutely need to.
Touching your face: Hands down, people. Touching your face is likely why you’ve got red spots or acne happening, and when you stop touching your face, it’s highly likely all those issues will go away. At first if it’s a huge habit, make sure you’ve always got something in your hands so that you won’t touch your face. In time, you’ll get used to not touching your face anymore and your skin will thank you.
Not using a base coat: If you have yellow nails, not using a base coat is likely the culprit. Not only are you protecting your nails from being stained by polish, you’re also helping to make your manicure last longer and you’ll be making your nails stronger.
Wearing your hair up every day: It’s one thing if you feel like you look your best while your hair is up. It’s another thing entirely if you simply throw your hair up into a ponytail or bun because you don’t want to do your hair. Start with once a week, but make the choice to actually style your hair instead of avoiding it. You’ll feel better about yourself, and your confidence will go through the roof.

Falling asleep with makeup on: This one’s an obvious habit to kick, but that doesn’t make it any less important. Sleeping with makeup on is asking for terrible skin, and no one wants that. Resolve to do it for three weeks straight and after that you’ll be in the habit of taking off your makeup.
Hope all this tips were helpful for you 
Love Deborah ,


  1. It would be amazing if I followed all these!!! Unfortunately, I often wear my hair up and bite my nails constantly (especially when I'm nervous)!!! :P

    1. Well Unfortunately If you wanna be more attractive you should follow this :P

    2. could she be more attractive than that !!
      ps: dont think so :)

  2. We really need to start using a base coat every time!! It can get quite laborious though :(
